Excessive Sweating Cure - Help Me Stop Sweating

Excessive Sweating Cure

Many of us are suffering from excessive sweating. Excessive sweating is classified as either focal or generalized. Focal excessive sweating means you sweat normally on the rest of your body except palms of your hands, soles of the feet, your face and armpits. Whereas, generalized excessive sweating means you sweat more than normal all over. This is less common than focal excessive sweating. However, it is usually caused by underlying medical condition. So, it is important to know which type you have as the causes and treatments are very different.

Definition of Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating also known as hyperhydrosis, which means you sweat much more than normal. Sweating is embarrassing. It stains clothes, ruins romance, and complicates business and social interactions. Severe cases can have serious practical consequences as well, making it hard for people who suffer from it to hold a pen, grip a car steering wheel, or shake hands. But the interesting thing is sweating is an essential function that helps our body to stay cool.

Reasons for Excessive Sweating

Sweating is the body's natural way of regulating temperature. People sweat more when it is hot outside. People also sweat more when they exercise or in response to situations that make them nervous, angry, embarrassed or afraid.

If sweating is accompanied by fever, weight loss, chest pain, shortness of breath or a rapid pounding heartbeat, talk to a doctor. These symptoms may indicate an underlying problem such as hyperthyroidism. Excessive sweating may also be a symptom of menopause. 

Women actually have more sweat glands then men, men's glands are just more active.

Excessive Armpit Sweating

Excessive armpit sweating is a common problem many of us are struggling with. Armpit sweating is a problem that is hard to share with your friends and even your family. If you have bad armpit sweating, you may become embarrassed by the frequent wet patch that develops on your clothes under your arms. You may need to change clothes during the day. You may avoid social contact or avoid doing sports because of embarrassment about the condition.

Excessive Sweaty Palms

If you have bad palm sweating, you tend to have a cold sweaty handshake and sweat may drip from you hands onto work documents or computer keyboards. Very embarrassing, isn't it? Some people say, you can get an iontophoresis device which stops sweating for up to 6 weeks and it is not an expensive device. Also you can buy drysol (a prescription deodorant) and apply it to your palms and feet before bed. It is a prescription deodorant with large amounts of aluminum chloride hexahydrate to combat the sweat glands and ultimately clog the suspect pores. You can consider taking Botox injection which is bit expensive. It is not a permanent solution and certainly not guaranteed.

The Real Cures for Excessive Sweating

Now here are the real life savers. If you are more concerned about your sweaty armpits and desperately looking for a solution then click here Cure for Sweating Armpits

If you are in a hurry and want a immediate solution for excessive sweating then click here Cure Excessive Sweating [http://www.productsearchreviews.com/reviews/sweat-free-in-14-days.html]
Ian Collinge is a brilliant writer and expert in researching market and products
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Collinge
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1674450
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