8 Natural Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

8 Natural Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

You can slim down without spending hours in the gym. There are many natural ways to boost your metabolism without much effort from you. If you are aware of a few simple tricks that you can do through out the day, you can burn up to 500 calories a day or more.

Trick #1 Eat Breakfast - When you skip breakfast you are telling your body that you are in starvation mode so your body stores your fat. But if you eat a healthy breakfast you are jump starting your metabolism. Often people who are obese and have a slow metabolism tend to skip breakfast. Add this trick and you will begin to notice that not only will you see changes on the scale but you will also notice your overall well being is better.

Trick #2 Drink Coffee - It's true coffee ads a metabolism boost.

Trick #3 Add some spice! Spicy foods also speed up your metabolism. So add some hot peppers to your sandwiches or try some Tabasco sauce, or cayenne pepper to your meals.

Trick #4 20 minutes of moderate exercise. It isn't hard. It's as simple as taking a walk, or working out with some light weights. Just get moving for 20 minutes.

Trick #5 Chew Sugar Free Gum. I read that you can burn up to 11 calories an hour. This can add up in time. Plus it may prevent you from craving sweets.

Trick #6 Eat cottage cheese for lunch. Cottage cheese is high in protein and is known to boost your metabolism. Plus protein takes longer to digest so you will feel full longer.

Trick #7 Stand up! You burn more calories simply by standing than sitting. So try to stand as often as you can throughout the day and you will be boosting your metabolism.

Trick #8 Instead of eating 3 huge meals, east 5 or six small meals through out the day. This speeds up your metabolism because you are constantly giving your body fuel to burn. Plus you will find that you will eat less and often not be as hungry.

There you go. Eight simple ways to boost your metabolism. Now it is up to you to get boosting.

If you would like to be 10 to 30 lbs lighter in the next 30 days with just a few simple tweaks to your diet and daily activity visit The Truth About Diets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wendy_L_Krick
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3003721
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About Amilia Evanov

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