Acne Types : 5 Types of Acne You Should Know

Acne is the most common of all skin disorders. And acne has some types. It is about eighty percent of all people between the ages of twelve and twenty-four suffer some types of acne. It is a problem of the oil glands in the skin. In contrast to several conservative conceptions, it is a problem experienced not absolutely by teenagers. A number of people are overwhelmed their whole lives with endless outbreaks of acne.

There are various types of Acne. The most general type is Acne Vulgaris which is well-known as Acne Simplex too. Other types of Acne except Vulgaris are Cosmetica, Excriee, Cystic and Occupational Acne.

However, many other types of acne exist. Informations in relation to 5 types cited above are:

ACNE VULGARIS: This acne type is a chronic inflammatory condition wherein surplus fluid is formed by over-active oil and sweat glands. Hair follicles become congested with this surplus fluid which is incapable to run away. The trapped sebum could later lead to bacterial inflammation in and around the hair follicle. This type of Acne typically starts at puberty and comes out principally on the face as pimples, cysts and blackheads.

ACNE COSMETICA: it is caused by topical make-up. Typified by small pink bumps, acne cosmetica is typically somewhat mild, with little possibility of scarring. The protracted usage of cosmetics, particularly those including isopropyl myristate and greasy ingredients for example lanolin, may be responsible for this type of Acne. It has been advocated that around 25% of women have this type of Acne, the majority of who contain a history of heavy make-up use. The management is uncomplicated. Find out which cosmetic is leading to the Acne and end applying it.

ACNE EXCORIEE: This is one of acne types that typically discovered in young girls, beginning in adolescence. The girl might discover a pimple and begin scratching at it cruelly. The skin is injured by the fingernails and is not able to cure because of constant scratching, which leaves a broad, superficial scar. This must not be confused with an oblivious nervous practice. In this situation, minimal acne lesions on the face are worsened by neurotic pressing and squeezing of the pimples, trying to clear the contents with the fingers. Consequently, hyperpigmentation and stellate constricted scars take place, while frequently the original underlying acne has cured.

CYSTIC ACNE: One of the most ruthless types of acne, it arises when the infected contents of a pustule or pimple erupts under the skin, rather than on the surface. The body's natural protections afterward attempt to combat the infection, causing swelling and pain. Cystic acne frequently leads to facial scarring. This type of Acne typically involves the back, upper arms, shoulders and neck. Cystic Acne frequently comes about in males and usually perseveres beyond 20 years of age and can cause enduring scarring. This type of Acne could be medically dealt with and needs specialist recommendation. In some situations it may be rather painful and can effect in the patient feeling unwell.

OCCUPATIONAL ACNE: This is one of acne types which typically shape as the effect of touch with mineral oil or petroleum. This acne type is a general condition had by motor mechanics that are often uncovered to oils and grease. The oil annoys the hair follicles leading to blackheads to shape profoundly in the skin and is hard to treat. Get in touch with the oil must be reduced or eliminated.

M Raflee has high consideration on acne and health issues. You can get some his excellent resources about acne on You and Your Acne or Types of Acne
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